(Foto: Unsplash / John Price)
  • Datum:

    25. Apr. | 19 Uhr

  • Location:

    Sonic Ballroom

  • Eintritt:

    12 Euro

  • psychedelic

The Union Black [UK] / xxPippiLottaxx [D]

progressive/psychedelic alternative hardcore rock

Berlin-based The Union Black (Navajo) are a two-piece band project featuring spoken-word artist The Anté Dote (also of UK band Djevara) on bass and guitar and Cem on drums. The band play a (mostly) instrumental form of progressive/psychedelic alternative hardcore rock, which is nevertheless influenced by a clear Berlin vibe, interlaced with gut-wrenching spoken pieces and off-piste segueways.
After C19 killed off the first attempt at launching the project just after take-off, now The Union Black are bouncing backing for Round Two, bloodied and incensed, ready to kick ass with an even punchier bag of hard riffs...
The duo create a huge wall of sound thanks to the combination of Anté's three-amp set-up, controlled (just about) by a garrison of carefully curated pedals, and Cem's powerful, eclectic drumming - groovy, driving, powerful and creative. Together they produce a heavy sonic landscape that combines many elements of hardcore punk, progressive metal, 90's alternative and Hendrix-era rock, although more astute listeners may also discern slight influences from genres as apparently distant as jazz, house, "world" (!) and classical.
Interweaved with Anté's terse and often enigmatic spoken diatribes and quirky electronica experiments, the result is a thrilling live show of raw energy, at once deliriously trippy and challenging, inviting head-banging madness interspersed with dreamy melancholy and pure rock fury, a tour-de-force crafted somewhere between the need to produce valid expressive art and the urge to just let go to experience a dark hedonistic catharsis...
“The indie-rock two-piece’s music is largely instrumental and totally hypnotic. Pulsating rhythms and driving, primal guitar lines loop and curl around each other in a sort of elemental dance. It occupies a space somewhere between doom metal, lo-fi garage music, and house.”

Einlass: 20h, Beginn: 21h, Eintritt: 12€